Mother’s Day tips

By: Matt, Zack, and Opa

What NOT to do for your wife (mother of your children) or mom on Mother’s Day

- unless she specifically asks, don’t buy her any type of appliance. If she does and you do, make sure you have an additional gift
- give her a card with money in it
- make her a card, unless you’re under 13 years old
- forget about Mother’s Day
- buy her exercise clothes or equipment
- offer to sell the kids
- try to cook her something you don’t know how to make (thanks for the burnt creme brûlée honey...)
- actually sell the kids
-  volunteer to go see your mother in law
- Go fishing all day and say that you will catch a large mouth bass in her honor
- offer her a foot massage, using your feet
- Do a sexy naked dance. Nobody wants to see that. Especially your mom.
- buy something you have to put together yourself
- offer to take her camping in a tent
- get her flowers...from your garden
- buy her a meat smoker, meat grinder or filet knife
- give your mother and the mother of your children the same thing


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