Call me Mr. Lucky

By: Zack AKA Uncle Bernie

The word luck was thrown around a lot between my brother and I when we were growing up. I remember that he would eat “lucky” noodles (Ramen) before soccer games to help him score goals. At a middle school dance, I was too intimidated to ask my date to dance with me on the last song, so she was asked by someone else and accepted. I therefore bid myself “unlucky.”

There was a lot of this going on back and forth, so my Dad was taking notes and ready to squash all of this. Suddenly one day he had a new mantra that he sprung on us that he still repeats to this day, “HA! I’m the luckiest guy in the world. I create my own luck by working harder than everyone else. The harder I work, the luckier I am!”

Consequently, the volume of our work hard culture at home got turned up to max on the stereo. This list is a reminder for myself to remember where I came from and to guide future generations of my familyThe same way that I know our grandfathers and great grandfather were harder than mebut I am still ready to come back from battle either with my shield or on it.

1. Air Conditioner for the entire house during Pennsylvania summer nights with 100% humidity.
2. Buckets - One to fill the coal furnace, one to empty
Yes. We heated the house by coal. On one hand it gave off great heat. On the other we had to constantly shovel coal from the coal shed into a bucket and feed the furnace. Don’t forget we had to empty the ashes every morning!
3. Standard vehicles ALWAYS hand washed with a bucket of soap.
When I was old enough to drive my own vehicle, I honestly had no idea how to use the car wash.
4. Four people in one house and the dishwasher NEVER used
I’m 31 and finally just convinced my mom to use the dishwasher and mix the colors with the whites in the washing machine.
5. Acres of woods
One of weekly chores was to pick up sticks. In the yard. And the woods. WE CLEANED UP THE STICKS IN THE WOODS. 
6. Times a week bailing hay
I remember getting house calls in July and August from local farmers during hay bailing season. We would help these guys unload the hay bales off the wagon and stack them in the barn. Sometimes all day long and all week long. Built character and allergens. 
7. TV channels
If we adjusted the antennae right and were actually inside that’s all we got. The enormous satellite dish in the front yard boosted us to double digit channels! It became especially fun when it snowed and you had to trek outside to clean it off the dish or you weren’t watching tv that day.
8. Hundred meters of shoveling
Our driveway was about 200 meters long so we would shovel down and back to fit a vehicle. And then again, just because.
9. Times I got in trouble for being associated with people getting in trouble
That’s right. I had my decent fair share of trouble as a kid. But I would also get punished just in principle and because my parents refused to listen to my side of the story. According to them, if I was reprimanded then I probably deserved it. End of the road.
10. Kilometers to school
5k run to school. 6am wrestling practice. School. After school wrestling practice. 5k run home.

Because of the way I was raised, I continue to work 100% in every facet of my life, making me one of the luckiest men in the world, or Mr Lucky.


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