Caiden and the Catfish

By: Dave Hoffman AKA Opa AKA Big Poppa Huff I don’t know why but I could always catch fish. In central Pennsylvania the first day of spring trout fishing was more anticipated than Christmas. When the big day arrived I could stand shoulder to shoulder with ten other fishermen and catch fish after fish while they caught nothing. My grandpap would would watch me and say “please catch one more and quit before they throw you in the stream!“ Time went by. I had two boys of my own. The new tradition was to take them and all of their friends trout fishing on that first day. We all had a blast, but I seemed to catch the biggest and most fish than anyone. My youngest son Zach seemed to be prey to my fishing prowess more than anyone else, as I would tell him to watch me catch a trout from under this stump or under this rock and some how always come through. Time goes by. My oldest son Matt came home with his oldest boy Caiden. Zach was also home. I thought it was a great time for the fo...