One more hill

By: Dad AKA Matt Let me set the table for this story. It was summertime and I was 15 years old. Since I couldn’t drive yet, my main mode of transportation was my bike. It was a pretty standard mountain bike, which could get me to and from the nearest town, about 5 miles away. I spent everyday that summer going somewhere on that bike with my friends. One Friday, my dad got home from work and said to call Joel and Bum (my friends that lived nearby) to come spend the night and bring their bikes. I asked what he had in mind and he just smiled, saying “you’ll see”. The only other information he would divulge was that they should bring some spending money and not to make any other plans for Saturday. That morning, my dad woke us up early to get started. He still wouldn’t tell us where we were going or how far the ride would be, just insisted that we were going on an adventure. Shrugging our shoulders, we mounted up. We had learned a long time ago not to question him. The ride started o...