The Bird Clock - A Running Joke

By: Dad AKA Matt I was a young boy, about 11 or 12, when my dad gifted me the Bird Clock, in all its glory. I don't remember what I was hoping for that Christmas, but it definitely was not the ugliest, most annoying clock ever created. Looking back, I should have known something was up. My dad seemed particularly interested when I was opening that gift. He had the biggest smile on his face, in contrast to my look of confusion. Every hour, on the hour, this clock promised to produce a different bird call at max volume. This was a promise that it delivered upon all day, every day. My dad immediately volunteered to hang it in my bedroom. It lasted about a day and a half before I removed it and hid it somewhere in the house. About 3 days later, my dad found it and hung it back up. It found a new and improved hiding spot immediately. This pattern continued until I finished my senior year of high school and packed...