The Untold Story

By: Dad AKA Matt This is not an easy post to write simply because I wasn't sure how to approach it. My family and I created this blog to share stories from our lives that teach, uplift, and make you laugh. This narrative is one of the best stories that was almost never told. That's right, the title is a slight misnomer. Personally, I've only heard the story just one time. When my grandfather shared it, I was flabbergasted. He revealed the story in the blink of an eye, I nearly missed it and had to ask quite a few questions to make sure I was really understanding what I heard! Years later, my brother Zack and I reminisced about why such a great story was never brought up again. Now, as a father trying to instill my personal values unto my sons, I think I know why. Nonetheless,the story is NOT the focal point nor the moral of this post. It is the WHY that holds the value. and is the true takeaway. My grandfather, Pop Fegley, loved to ...