Strong enough to bend

By Dad AKA Matt I started writing this post about fatherhood several months ago but never finished. As I started reading it over once more, I realized just how relevant it is. I decided to keep the original section regarding a parenting style/mindset but tie it into how we can apply it to the issues of today. In my opinion, the best fathers (and mothers) are strong, not necessarily in the physical sense, but mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. In fact, they are strong enough to bend, without breaking. This tends to fly in the face of popular opinion because people often think the strongest never back down, never give an inch. However, if we don’t have the capacity to understand our children’s perspective, what are we teaching them? If it’s simply “my way or the highway”, does that mean we say we love them and would do anything for them, but not enough to care what they say or think? It is our job to show them we will always do what we believe is in their best interest, whi...